One week, the auction house had a larger-than-life figure of Jesus Christ that looked as if it had been taken from a church.
A few weeks later, it offered a larger-than-life figure of an African female figure carrying a basket on her head.
A week later, the larger-than-life item was a pack of Marlboro cigarettes posing as a light.
What gives?

“Oversized” seemed to be the theme at this auction house, although I doubt that the owners had meant it to be. Most times, too many items of the same nature would represent a collection, but that was not the case in this instance.
The large items also included a huge and heavy cash register; it was not intentionally oversized but made that way for another time. It was one of those antique wooden cash registers with keys (which are now salvaged in the same way as typewriter keys for repurposing) on the front and a drawer at the bottom to hold money. These monstrosities were the necessary equipment in stores and other establishments years ago.

Religious items come up from time to time at auction, but this was the first time I’d seen a figure of Christ, which appeared to be made of chalkware. Once, an entire church and its contents were auctioned. Other times included religious icons, church pews, pulpit and side chairs and a confessional. I’ve even blogged about how we wear our faith.
Here are the items I’ve encountered recently at auction: