“What a great story. I am sorry to say I did not know about it. We truly must educate ourselves. I think about the folks who, during Reconstruction, could not learn enough. Now it seems that entertainment has surpassed education for many people. Thanks for reconnecting us with our history.” – Dorothy

“I love the painting! Thanks for telling us the story.” – Janet

“Sherry, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your article on the census and early black employees. I am a heavy user of the census due to my interest in finding out more about my ancestors and so any nuances about the census are also helpful in reading census data. But as usual you bring so much more to the topic then just basic facts. … please keep on doing what you doing, sister!” – Ruth

“That is fascinating, I had no idea (there) was a thing!!”
– Anna

“I’ve been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to find out about the Balky Mule water tray which I inherited from my mother who died last year at 94. She said the tray came from a family friend in the late 30′s. It is nice to have the mystery of the date and maker cleared up. Thank you.” – Kathy

“Thank you for finding the strength and courage to tell the stories of these brave men.” – Jantra

“Hi Sherry. I read your posting with interest. I have a Bannister Baby — only mine was given to me one Christmas and I still have her, in perfect condition. She was a loved baby doll, well cared for, and is now on display in a basket in our guest room. Thank you for the nice reminder of the Bannister Baby and a happy Christmas for me many, many years ago.” – Virginia

“Thank you for continuously sharing our heritage and roots. We have been in the dark too long. We are America. I wish I could afford to buy this house.” – Velinda