The first time I saw the washtubs at auction, I was struck by their utilitarianism. They were galvanized metal with black numbers painted on them and black legs holding them up. The auction house had sat them conspicuously on white bedroom furniture with dark marble tops.
The second time, at this same auction house but a month later, several washtub stands – which looked suspiciously like the other ones – had been placed out front in the early Sunday-morning sun with other garden equipment.
Either way, they made a statement.

They all had the same style of lettering and numbers printed in black, the same type of brown bands at the top and bottom, and black metal legs that bore scratches. Interestingly, I saw some just like them last week at the Renninger’s antiques and collectors market, held three times a year in Kutztown, PA.
When I saw the washtub stands at auction the first time, I thought they’d make great planters for a yard. The second time I thought they’d be good for beer, wine or soft drinks at an outdoor party.
What do you think of them? And how would you use them?