What strange feet that table has, I thought, as I spied it from across the room while previewing furniture for the next-day’s sale at an auction house. I always wander among the furniture at this place because much of it can be lovely, amusing and unusual.
This time, I was sure I had found something unusual. As I moved closer to the table – whose top looked like an oversized open quote mark – I saw that my eyes had fooled me. An auction-house staffer had placed soft toddler booties on the table’s three feet, ostensibly to keep them from scratching the top of a beautiful wooden table on which it had been placed.

The little booties were cute, and playful. I’m sure that even the staffer chuckled as he or she was putting them on.
This table may have been the most whimsical of the items, but it was not the only sweet piece waiting for the sale. There were several of what I call “fun” pieces that brought a smile to my face and made for a pleasant stroll through the auction house. They made me feel good – some for their vibrant colors and others for their non-traditional shapes.
Here are some of the other items that caused me to pause. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.