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Guess what retirement plan is inside this box

Posted in Games, and Guess what it is

You couldn’t miss the sunshine-yellow box on the auction table. Maybe that’s what the maker had in mind when it chose such a brilliant color and a collage of leisure activities that reminded you of Florida, beaches and sailing.

The box top read “Your Personal Retirement Income Program,’ so I had to open it and not stand around guessing what was inside. It was obviously a joke of some sort, and I was curious to find out the answer. Who wouldn’t? Not even the auction-goer who stopped near me to see for himself once I had peeked in and closed the box. After seeing the contents, he, too, chuckled, because we knew it was a con – amusing but not very funny.

The answer involves a sight that is very common on the streets, but executed in entirely different ways today.

What retirement plan do you think is in this novelty box? Take a guess, or just click on the photo for the answer.

retirement kit

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